Notification of Legacy Gift

Thank you for naming the American Red Cross in your estate plan. If you have not notified us previously of your gift, please take a moment to complete the information below. As a member of the American Red Cross Legacy Society, together we’ll share the common bond of philanthropy and vision to provide for the needs of future generations.

You can help us maximize the impact of your generosity by providing important details of your intended future gift. (The American Red Cross understands gifts in wills, trusts and other gift plans are revocable and may be changed or modified by the donor at any time.)

Would you like this to be recognized as a Joint Gift?
Please indicate if anonymity is preferred below:
My gift type is as selected:
My gift is:
If choosing to designate your gift, please indicate below:
Designation needs to be stated in will, trust or other document that establishes the gift.
We understand gift values may be estimates and may change over a person’s lifetime. Information is used only for statistical purposes in our planning and is confidential
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